Step 1

 Please note that you need a valid subscription for any of our services to work.
Simply changing to our DNS servers without signing up won’t work.


Subscribe for $1.99/month


Step 2


Setup Guides


OSX Setup GuideUbuntu Setup GuideWindows 7 Setup GuideWindows 8 Setup Guide
Mac OS XUbuntuWindows 7Windows 8


Android iPhone & iPad


playstation 4 playstation 3xbox-360-consolewii4
PlayStation 4PlayStation 3XBOX
Nintendo Wii


apple tv rokuwdmonogramc-300x199 chromecast
 Apple TVRokuWD-TV LiveChromecast


SmartTVsRouter Setup

Pro Tip

If your ISP intercepts port 53, our servers also support port 5353!



Don’t forget to clear your browser cache (See below for instructions), restart your router and computer after you’ve set everything up. If you don’t, our service may not work!

Clearing the DNS Cache on Browsers

The following table provides instructions for clearing the DNS cache on popular Internet browsers.

Internet Explorer

Go to the Tools menu, select Delete Browsing History, check all boxes (except passwords, if desired) and click Delete.

Mozilla Firefox (Win & Mac)

  • Go to the Tools menu, select Clear Recent History and check all boxes.
  • Under Time range to clear select Everything (except passwords, if desired) and click Clear Now.
  • Apple Safari (Win)

  • Click the Cog Icon in the upper right corner and select Reset Safari.
  • Check all boxes and click Reset.
  • Apple Safari (Mac)

    Go to the Safari menu, select Reset Safari, check all boxes and click Reset.

    Google Chrome (Win)

  • Click the Wrench Icon in the upper right corner and select History and check all boxes.
  • Under Clear data for this time period, select Everything(except passwords, if desired) and click Clear Browsing Data.
  • Google Chrome (Mac)

  • Go to the Chrome menu, select Clear Browsing Data and check all boxes (except passwords, if desired).
  • Under Clear data for this time period, select Everything and click Clear Browsing Data.

  • Step 3


    Log in to the Self Service area and verify that your service status is active.


    You need to log in to your  Self Service area whenever your IP address changes (i.e. if you only configured your computer and you travel) so that your current IP is validated to your account. If you don’t do this, ads will start to reappear and region unlock will stop working!