Windows 8


Open Windows Explorer, click on Computer and Open Control Panel on the toolbar


Click on Network and Internet


Click on Network and Sharing Center


Click on Change adapter settings


Double Click on your network adapter


Click on Properties


Uncheck the Internet Protocol Version 6 (TCP/IPv6)

Click on Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4)

Click on Properties


In the General tab click on Use the following DNS server addresses.

Fill DNS server fields with values from the table below

Make sure that Validate settings upon exit is checked and click the OK button.


Windows Network Diagnostics will now attempt to detect any problems , let it do its thing.


All done! Click the Close button.


Flush your DNS cache

Flushing the DNS cache on newer versions of Windows is almost as easy as on earlier versions of Windows, but due to Microsofts security additions you must run the command prompt with administrator privileges.

  1. Click the start button and navigate to the command prompt (Start > All Programs > Accessories > Command Prompt)
  2. Make sure that you right click on the command prompt application and choose “Run as Administrator”
  3. Type in the command ipconfig /flushdns

Note: It is also possible to type in cmd into the Windows start menu search field and then right click on the cmd.exe result instead of having to navigate through the various sub-menus.


You should also clear your browser cache. Here is a guide for the most popular browsers:

Clearing the DNS Cache on Browsers

The following table provides instructions for clearing the DNS cache on popular Internet browsers.

Internet Explorer

Go to the Tools menu, select Delete Browsing History, check all boxes (except passwords, if desired) and click Delete.

Mozilla Firefox

  • Go to the Tools menu, select Clear Recent History and check all boxes.
  • Under Time range to clear select Everything (except passwords, if desired) and click Clear Now.
  • Apple Safari for Windows

  • Click the Cog Icon in the upper right corner and select Reset Safari.
  • Check all boxes and click Reset.
  • Google Chrome

  • Click the Wrench Icon in the upper right corner and select History and check all boxes.
  • Under Clear data for this time period, select Everything(except passwords, if desired) and click Clear Browsing Data.